The first priority is to save the lives and improve the health situation of the people, especially those who are socially and economically vulnerable. We will charge only a minimum fee of 5,000 Riels ($1.25 dollars) for all visiting patients. Those who cannot afford will not be charged more than this.
Our fundamental concept is a sustainable development with appropriate technology
Our energy resource is solar and hydropower energy. We have already installed solar panels. A small scale hydropower system which has a minimum impact on nature has been experimented and ready to be installed. Those methods of natural energy generation will realize 24hours trauma care service for traffic accident victims as well as normal health service with electronic devices. We will install an X-ray machine, an echo machine and other basic medical facilities which are essential to provide proper medical service. We don’t blindly insist to adopt “locally available resources only”. We need these machines in order to keep the quality of the service. However, how to maintain and operate these machines should be considered from a sustainability point of view.

[Photo; Solar panels installed at the site]
Harmonization with nature
The Health Center locates in the middle of nature. We are aiming the Health Center to coexist with the surrounding nature. We cleared only a minimum range of area. We utilize existing trees as part of the Health Center garden. We planted variety of fruits and herbs along the foot path. People will enjoy walking along the path as they pick some fruits such as banana, papaya, mango and passion fruits. Those plants will also provide shade and keep the walking path cool.

[Photo; Health center construction site]
Adoption of Micro Credit Scheme
Since the Health Center is operated on humanitarian purposes, we cannot fully generate the operation costs from its revenue. In order to operate the Health Center sustainably, we developed a micro credit scheme on the Health Center basis. Capital is the investment from people who understand the concept of our activity and are willing to support the Health Center with their investments. From this micro credit scheme, a certain % of revenue (=interest) is utilized as the Health Center operation cost.